Exposure to adhesive powder fumes can be hazardous due to potential chemical toxicity. Key risks include:
allergic reactions: exposure to any chemicals can cause allergic reactions for some people. Symptoms will appear on your skin, generally - itching and rashes.
respiratory irritation: breathing in adhesive powder fumes can irritate your respiratory system. Symptoms will be coughing, becoming short of breath and throat irritation.
flammability and explosiveness. Adhesive powders can be flammable or explosive under certain conditions (from 350 degrees and little to no humidity, the powder will start to pose a fire hazard).

You can significantly reduce the risks associated with adhesive powder fumes and create a safer working environment with some easy ways:
work in a well-ventilated area and ensure you have a good ventilation system to extract the fumes.
wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves.
wear long sleeves to prevent skin contact with adhesive powders.
follow safety guidelines and regulations for handling and storing the powder.
read and follow the material safety data sheets (MSDS) (see below)
immediately clean any spills or residue to prevent accidental contact or inhalation.
seal your powder in containers or zip-lock bags when not in use.
store in a cool, dry place to prevent degradation and release of fumes.
Generally; ensure that first aid kits are easily accessible and that workers are trained in their use.